

Africa | Afrika – giving the slums a voice
Video journal, mostly from Nairobi (Kenya) – at times from other parts of East Africa. A great source of non-mainstream coverage of the everyday lives of a certain urban population. Often hopeful, sometimes less – but always real.

Africa is a Country
A reaction to old and tired images of ‘Africa’. Deliberately challenges and destabilizes received wisdom about the African continent and its people in Western media.

Africa_The next Chapter
A collection of TED Talks (and more) on the topic of Africa

Solving everyday problems with African ingenuity

Ein übergreifendes Afrika-Dossier der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (BpB) zu Themen wie Geschichte, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Panafrika, Brennpunkte, Afrika und Europa oder Kultur. Dazu umfassende Linklisten.


Research | Forschung

CODESRIA – Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa
Many very useful and free publications are available here.

EASA Media Anthropology Network

FoMe (Forum Medien und Entwicklung/Forum Media and Development)

iHub research
A research arm to facilitate local ICT research capacity building and to conduct local qualitative and quantitative research in Africa. Working from within the nerve center of Kenya’s technology community in Nairobi. Sharing stories about the vibrant East African technology community.

Mobile Life Centre

A Nordic knowledge centre in the field of media and communication.


Social Science Space

The Nordic Africa Institute (NAI) – Nordiska Afrikainstitutet

The Qualitative Report (TQR)

Routledge Innovative Ethnographies Series


Search & Directories | Suche & Verzeichnisse

African Books Collective

African e-Journals Project

African Journals Online (AJOL) – Promoting Accesss to African Research

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)


SSOAR – Social Science Open Access Repository

Sage Journals Online 


Scientific Journals | Wissenschaftliche Zeitschriften

African Identities

Africa Insight

Africa Spectrum

Global Media Journal – African Edition

Ethnography (ETH)

Field Methods (FMX)

FQS – Forum Qualitative Social Research / Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung

Global Media and Communication

Information Technology for Development

International Communication Gazette

Journal of African Media Studies (JAMS)

Journal of Contemporary Ethnography (JCE)

Journal of Material Culture (JMC)

Journal of Media and Communication Studies (JMCS)

Journal of Pan African Studies (JPAS)


Media, Culture & Society

Methodological Innovations Online

Mobile Media & Communication

New Media & Society

Nordicom Review

Platform – Journal of Media and Communication

Qualitative Inquiry (QIX)

Qualitative Research (QRJ)