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Waltinger_Das Mobiltelefon im Alltagsleben

Waltinger, Michael (2018): Das Mobiltelefon im Alltagsleben des urbanen Kenia. Eine medienethnografische Studie zur Mobiltelefonaneignung. [The mobile phone in urban Kenyan everyday-life. A media ethnography on mobile phone appropriation.] Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 435 pages. Book details and table of contents [in German] available via Springer VS. ISBN: 978-3-658-25220-5. 49,99 € [Softcover] / 39,99 € [eBook].

In this media ethnography, Michael Waltinger describes the appropriation of mobile phones in the everyday life of an urban community in Eastlands Nairobi (Kenya).
As its vantage point, the fieldwork studies people’s socio-structural living conditions in order to see how these are a pre-condition for and intertwined with everyday media appropriation. This is to contextualize social action on the micro-level of the subject with the larger societal macro-structure in which media action is embedded.
Everyday phone usage in the urban community of the ethnography spans different spheres of life in multifaceted ways. While the mobile phone is perceived as an ambivalent artifact that interacts with peoples life-worlds in both positive and negative ways, it undeniably is an integrative part of the ‘way of life’ in contemporary urban Nairobi: among others, the mobile phone is a symbol for being part of the ‘global village’, it is a culturally codified and polysemic sign of social distinction, and it is a significate of a locally defined afro-modernity.
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Cover_Mobilfunk und Modernisierung in Ostafrika_Edition451

Waltinger, Michael (2012): Mobilfunk und Modernisierung in Ostafrika. Adoption und Diffusion einer Kommunikationstechnologie. [Mobile Phones and Modernisation in East Africa. Adoption and Diffusion of a Communication Technology.] Stuttgart: Edition 451, 147 pages. Book details and table of contents [in German] available (via The German National Library). ISBN: 978-3-931938-41-3. 19,90 €.

Books (Contributions)

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Grimm, Petra; Neef, Karla; Waltinger, Michael; Kimmel, Birgit; Rack, Stefanie (2015): „Ethik macht klick“ – Werte-Navi fürs digitale Leben. Arbeitsmaterialien für Schule und Jugendarbeit. [A media ethics navigator for digital life. Materials for school use and youth work.] In cooperation of the Institute for Digital Ethics (IDE)/Stuttgart Media University (HdM) and the EU-project “klicksafe”, 146 pages: Available online [in German].

Book chapters & (journal) articles

Waltinger, Michael (2021): People Insight – the why, what, when, and how of research for creating impact. CxO document. Stockholm: McKinsey Design, 19 pages.

Waltinger, Michael (2019): Knowing when to stop: finding an appropriate sample in design research. In: Designisms. A blog on trends, news, and insights at the intersection of business and design. Stockholm: McKinsey Design. Available online.

Waltinger, Michael; Nilsson, Thomas (2018): A framework for people driven design. Stockholm: Veryday/McKinsey Design. Available online.

Waltinger, Michael (2017): Media and Cultural Education – A Means to Social Cohesion in a Multicultural (Media) World. In: Rodríguez Sieweke, Lara (ed.): Learning Scenarios for Social and Cultural Change. Bildung through Academic Teaching. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition, pp. 171 – 183.

Waltinger, Michael (2017): Die MediaMap – Eine explorative Forschungsmethode zur Entwicklung einer kontextualisierten Mediennutzungsperspektive. [The Media Map – An explorative method for researching media usage in context.] In: Knaus, Thomas (ed.): Forschungswerkstatt Medienpädagogik. Projekt – Theorie – Methode. München: kopaed, pp. 253-286.

Waltinger, Michael (2017): Implementierung und Messung einer viralen Marketingstrategie. [Implementation and controlling of a viral marketing strategy.] In: Hies, Michael (ed.): Case Study Training. 40 Fallstudien zur Vorbereitung auf das Bewerbungsgespräch im Consulting. München:, pp. 96-100.

Waltinger, Michael (2013): Mobilfunkaneignung im Alltag: ein Feldbericht aus Nairobi. [Mobile Phone Appropriation in Everyday Life: a field report from Nairobi.] In: Ludwigsburger Beiträge zur Medienpädagogik. ISSN: 2190-4790. No. 16, pp. 1-8. Ludwigsburg: Online Publication [in German].

Waltinger, Michael (2013): Afrika(ner)bilder in westlichen Medien. Ungleichheit und die Repräsentation des Anderen im Zuge globaler Kommunikationsflüsse. [Africa(ns) in Western Media. Inequality and Representation of the Other in Global Flows of Communication.] In: Maurer, Bjoern; Reinhard-Hauck, Petra; Schluchter, Jan-René; von Zimmermann, Martina (eds.:): Medienbildung in einer sich wandelnden Gesellschaft. Festschrift für Horst Niesyto. Muenchen: kopaed, pp. 279-290.

Waltinger, Michael (2012): Mobile Kommunikation als Bestandteil von Alltagsbewältigung im urbanen Kenia. Darstellung eines medienethnographischen Forschungsdesigns. [Mobile Communication as a strategy to ‘coping’ with everyday life in urban Kenya. Outlining a media ethnographic research design.] In: Ludwigsburger Beiträge zur Medienpädagogik. ISSN: 2190-4790. No. 15, pp. 13-14. Ludwigsburg: Online Publication [in German].

Waltinger, Michael (2011): Implementierung und Messung einer viralen Marketingstrategie. [Implementation and controlling of a viral marketing strategy.] In: Hies, Michael (ed.): Perspektive Unternehmensberatung 2012. Das Expertenbuch zum Einstieg. München:, pp. 120-125.

Waltinger, Michael (2010): Wachstumsstrategien in gesättigten Märkten. [Growth strategies in saturated markets.] In: Menden, Stefan (ed.): Consulting Case-Training. 30 Übungscases für die Bewerbung in der Unternehmensberatung. 1st ed. GmbH, pp. 222-230.

Waltinger, Michael (2009): Mobilfunk in Subsahara-Afrika: Marktwirtschaft und Entwicklungshilfe im Einklang. [Mobile telephony in Subsaharan Afrika: market economy and development assistance in unison.] In: Africa Live. No. 5, pp. 4-5. Berlin: Ingrid Aouane Verlag.

Waltinger, Michael (2009): Boom der Mobiltelefonie. Africa is calling. [The rise of mobile telephony. Africa is calling.] In: Afrikapost. No. 4, pp. 52-53. Göttingen: Klaus Hess Verlag/Deutsche Afrika Stiftung e.V. (Berlin).

Book reviews

Waltinger, Michael (2013): Sturmer, Martin (2013): Afrika! Plädoyer für eine differenzierte Berichterstattung. In: Global Media Journal (GMJ) – German Edition. Vol. 3, No. 2. Review online [in German].

Research reports 

Pfeiffer, Christian; Mößle, Thomas; Waltinger, Michael; Stauer, Matthias; Rehbein, Florian; Bleckmann, Paula (2011): “Lust auf Leben wecken”: Medienkonsum, Freizeitverhalten und Schulleistungen von Viertklässlern im Landkreis Reutlingen. [“Encouraging ‘living life'”: media consumption, leisure behaviour, and school achivements of 4th graders in Reutlingen.] KFN-Forschungsbericht. Hannover: Kriminologisches Forschungsinstitut Niedersachsen. 77 p. Available online [in German].

Conference papers 

Waltinger, Michael (2016): Media and Cultural Education – A means to social cohesion in a global world. Talk and workshop at the conference „Education is Relation not Output? – Scenes of Knowledge and Knowledge Acquisition“,  May 17th-19th 2016. Växjö (Sweden): Linnéuniversitetet (Linnæus University). Here is a link to the corresponding blog-post. The paper of the talk (about 10 pages) can be downloaded here.

Waltinger, Michael (2015): The Ambiguity of (Media-)Technology [and how to deal with it]. Empowering Perspectives from Media Pedagogy and Media Ethics. Paper prepared for and presented at the symposium “The Datafication of the Public Sphere”, May, 7th – 10th 2015, Angewandte Innovation Lab (AIL), The University of Applied Arts, Vienna. Paper available online.

Selected Blog-Articles 

(August 2015): African Community Development (Indigenous Style): Chamas and Harambee as a case in point. Available online.

(March 2015): Wenn der ‘Sprit’ ausgeht: Warum Handys kein Entwicklungshilfemotor sind. [Running out of petrol: why mobile phones won’t fuel development] Available online [in German].

Page-proof editions

Zöllner, Oliver (ed.) (2009): Medien, Migration, Identität. Migranten und ihre Mediennutzung. Drei Projektberichte aus der Urbanregion Stuttgart. [Media, Migration, Identity: Immigrants and Their Media Use. Three Project Reports From Stuttgart.] Stuttgart: Stuttgart Media University. 105 p. Available online [in German].