Guest lectures, Keynotes
Waltinger, Michael (2021): Introduction to Design x Foresight, Speculative Design & Design Fiction II. Guest lecture and debate on September, 7th 2020 within the Masters programme ‘Design for Creative & Immersive Technology’. Invited by Assoc. Prof. Airi Lampinen. Stockholm (Sweden): Stockholm University (Department of Computer and Systems Sciences).
Waltinger, Michael (2020): Introduction to Design x Foresight, Speculative Design & Design Fiction I. Guest lecture and debate on September, 8th 2020 within the Masters programme ‘Design for Creative & Immersive Technology’. Invited by Assoc. Prof. Airi Lampinen. Stockholm (Sweden): Stockholm University (Department of Computer and Systems Sciences).
Waltinger, Michael (2017): Transkribieren – Kodieren – (MAX)QDA. Ein Einführungsworkshop. [Transcribing – Coding – (MAX)QDA. An introductory workshop.] Guest lecture on July, 7th 2017 within the Seminar ‘Practice and evaluation research’. Taught by Prof Dr Horst Niesyto. Ludwigsburg (Germany): Pädagogische Hochschule (University of Education).
Waltinger, Michael (2017): How to evaluate qualitative data – and how to get started tomorrow. Talk on May, 30th 2017 at the Stockholm User Research-MeetUp, hosted by Mobiento/Deloitte Digital. On invitation. Stockholm. Blog post and chart-download available here.
Waltinger, Michael (2017): Die MediaMap. Exploration einer visuell-sensorischen Methode zur Untersuchung von Mediennutzung. [The MediaMap. An exploration of a visual-sensory method for researching media usage.] Guest lecture on January, 30th 2017 within the Seminar ‘Visual Research Methods’. Taught by Prof Dr Horst Niesyto. Ludwigsburg (Germany): Pädagogische Hochschule (University of Education).
Waltinger, Michael (2015): Field Research_basics. Research seminar (högre seminarium) on November, 25th 2015. On invitation. Växjö (Sweden): Linnéuniversitetet (Linnæus University).
Waltinger, Michael (2015): Einblicke in die medienethnografische Forschung. Illustration einer laufenden Studie zur Handyaneignung in Nairobi. Part II. [Insights into media ethnographic research. Illustrations from an ongoing study on mobile phone appropriation in Nairobi. Part II] Guest lecture on May, 5th 2015 within the ‘Media Education Colloquium’. Taught by Prof Dr Horst Niesyto. Ludwigsburg (Germany): Pädagogische Hochschule (University of Education).
Waltinger, Michael (2014): Medienforschung in Nairobi – Ethnografischer Ansatz und ethische Praxisfragen. [Media research in Nairobi – ethnographic approach and ethical considerations.] Guest lecture on July, 8th 2014 within the lecture ‘Audience Research’. Lecture taught by Prof Dr Petra Grimm. Stuttgart (Germany): Hochschule der Medien (Stuttgart Media University).
Waltinger, Michael (2014): Zum Umgang mit Handys im urbanen Alltag Nairobis. Feldbericht einer Medienethnografie aus Kenia. [Mobile phone usage in urban Nairobian everyday life. Field report of a media ethnography from Kenya.] Presentation on January, 16th 2014 within the Africa-Colloquium “Migration, Development and Economy in Africa – and beyond”. Colloquium held by Prof Dr Hans Peter Hahn. Frankfurt am Main (Germany): Goethe University.
Waltinger, Michael (2013): Einblicke in die medienethnografische Forschung. Illustration einer laufenden Studie zur Handyaneignung in Nairobi. [Insights into media ethnographic research. Illustrations from an ongoing study on mobile phone appropriation in Nairobi.] Guest lecture on November, 4th 2013 within the ‘Media Education Colloquium’. Taught by Prof Dr Horst Niesyto. Ludwigsburg (Germany): Pädagogische Hochschule (University of Education).
Waltinger, Michael (2013): “Researching Media in Everyday Life-Settings”. Full-day workshop on research methods at “iHub research”. July, 23th 2013, Nairobi (Kenya). See iHub research-Blog.
Waltinger, Michael (2013): “Wie mache ich Feldforschung?” Feld(zu)gänge einer Medienethnografie zur Handynutzung in Nairobi (Kenia). [“How to do field research?” Accessing and walking through the field of a mobile media-ethnography in Nairobi (Kenya).] Guest lecture on April, 22nd 2013 within the lecture ‘Empirical Media Research’. Lecture taught by Prof Dr Oliver Zoellner. Stuttgart (Germany): Hochschule der Medien (Stuttgart Media University).
Waltinger, Michael (2013): Forschungsethische Reflexionen in der Ethnographie. Ausführungen am Beispiel einer Feldstudie zur Bedeutung des Mobilfunk in Nairobi. [Ethics in ethnographic research. Notes from fieldwork on the meaning of mobile telephony in Nairobi.] Guest lecture on January, 24th 2013 within the lecture ‘Media Theory’. Lecture taught by Prof Dr Petra Grimm. Stuttgart (Germany): Hochschule der Medien (Stuttgart Media University).
Waltinger, Michael (2013): Globale Medienkommunikation ‘reloaded’. Digitale Klüfte und mobile Kommunikation am Beispiel Kenias. [Global media communication ‘reloaded’: Digital divides and mobile communication in Kenya.] Guest lecture on January, 14th 2013 within the lecture ‘Introduction to Media Paedagogics’. Lecture taught by Prof Dr Horst Niesyto. Ludwigsburg (Germany): Pädagogische Hochschule (University of Education).
Waltinger, Michael (2012): Impressionen aus dem Feldaufenthalt in Nairobi: Pilotphase vom 22.10. – 16.11.2012. [Impressions from the Field: Pilot fieldwork in Nairobi from Oct 22nd – Nov 17th 2012.] Guest lecture on December, 10th 2012 within the ‘Media Education Colloquium’. Taught by Prof Dr Horst Niesyto. Ludwigsburg (Germany): Pädagogische Hochschule (University of Education).
Waltinger, Michael (2012): Mobile phone research in Nairobi. Discussing ideas and perceptions. Guest lecture on November, 9th 2012 within the lecture ‘Entrepreneurship’. Taught by Carol Nderi. Nairobi: Kenyatta University.
Waltinger, Michael (2011): Digitalisierung und Informationsökonomie. Technologische und ökonomische Grundlagen. [Digitisation and the information economy. Technological and economic principles.] Guest lecture on December, 7th 2011 within the seminr ‘Socialisation and Education within Digital Capitalism’. Seminar taught by Prof Dr Horst Niesyto. Ludwigsburg (Germany): Pädagogische Hochschule (University of Education).
Waltinger, Michael (2011): Trendforschung. Möglichkeiten und ethische Perspektiven. [Trendspotting. Opportunities and ethical perspectives.] Guest lecture on April, 20th 2011 within the master’s project ‘Think Tank’. Prof Dr Petra Grimm and Prof Dr Michael Müller. Stuttgart (Germany): Hochschule der Medien (Stuttgart Media University). Presentation available online [in German].
Waltinger, Michael (2010): Mediale Modernisierung des ‘vergessenen Kontinents’? Zur gesellschaftsverändernden Rolle des Handys in Subsahara-Afrika. Medientheoretische und ethische Perspektiven. [Medial modernisation of the ‘forgotten continent’? Thoughts on the potential role of mobile phones in fostering societal change. Perspectives from a standpoint of media theory and ethics.] Guest lecture on October, 21st 2010 within the seminar ‘Media Theory’. Prof Dr Petra Grimm. Stuttgart (Germany): Hochschule der Medien (Stuttgart Media University). Presentation available online [in German].
Conference- and Workshop-Participations
Waltinger, Michael (2016): Interrogating M4D-tales: some sociostructural aspects of ICTs and social change in everyday-life. Talk in Panel 10 “Gender at the cutting edge: ICTs, social media and social change in East Africa” at the conference Nordic Africa Days 2016, September 23rd-24th 2016. Uppsala (Sweden): Uppsala University. Here is a link to a blog post that also contains an abstract of the talk.
Waltinger, Michael (2016): Media and Cultural Education – A means to social cohesion in a global world. Talk and workshop at the conference „Education is Relation not Output? – Scenes of Knowledge and Knowledge Acquisition“, May 17th-19th 2016. Växjö (Sweden): Linnéuniversitetet (Linnæus University). Here is a link to the corresponding blog-post. The paper of the talk (about 10 pages) can be downloaded here.
Waltinger, Michael (2015): Die MediaMap als qualitative Methode der Medienforschung [The MediaMap: a qualitative media-research method.] Presentation within the research workshop “Creative methods of researching digital communication cultures” (led by Prof Dr Thomas Knaus) at the 32nd Forum on Communication Culture on Communication cultures in digital worlds: concepts and strategies in media pedagogy and media education – hosted by the Society for Media Pedagogy and Communication Culture (GMK – Gesellschaft für Medienpädagogik und Kommunikationskultur), November 20th – 22nd 2015. Venue: KOMED, Media Park, Cologne (Germany). A link to the corresponding blog-entry is available here.
Waltinger, Michael (2015): Promoting Digital Literacy in Developing Regions: Business Goals and Media Education in unison. Talk on the Unconference of the Stockholm Internet Forum (SIF) 2015 – hosted by the The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), October 21st – 22nd 2015. Venue: Münchenbryggeriet (Stockholm). The talk was submitted as a suggestion and then, through voting, selected from 28 other submissions. Abstract to the talk available here. A link to the corresponding blog-entry is here.
Waltinger, Michael (2015): The Ambiguity of (Media-)Technology [and how to deal with it]. Empowering Perspectives from Media Pedagogy and Media Ethics. Prepared for and presented at the symposium “The Datafication of the Public Sphere”, May 7th – 10th 2015, Angewandte Innovation Lab (AIL), The University of Applied Arts, Vienna. Talk available on Vimeo (from timecode 00:59:15).
Waltinger, Michael (2013): Mobile phone usage in urban Nairobian everyday-life. Impressions and preliminary findings from the field. Mobile Telephony in the Developing World Conference. May 24th-25th 2013. Jyväskylä (Finland): University of Jyväskylä [Paper for the main conference accepted. Participation cancelled due to illness].
Waltinger, Michael (2013): “Mobile Selbstdokumentation” als partizipative (visuelle) Elizitierungsmethode. Herausforderungen in der medienethnographischen Feldforschung zur Mobilfunkaneignung in Nairobi. [“Mobile Self-Documentation” as a participative (visual) elicitation method. Challenges in media-ethnographic field research on mobile phone-appropriation in Nairobi.] Presentation and discussion at the 5th Forum on ‘Visual Methods in Research’. January 18th 2013. Bern (Swizerland): Pädagogische Hochschule Bern.
Waltinger, Michael (2012): Mobile Kommunikation als Bestandteil von Alltagsbewältigung im urbanen Kenia. Ein triangulatives ethnographisches Forschungsdesign: Hauptfragestellung, Methoden und Sample. [Mobile Communication as a means of coping with everyday life in urban Kenya. A triangulative ethnographic research design: research questions, methods, and sample.] Presentation and discussion at the ‘International Graduate School for Ph.D.-students in Communication and Media Research 2012’ with Prof Dr Oliver Quiring, Prof Dr Philippe Viallon, Prof Dr Thomas Steinmauer and Prof Dr Eric Dacheux, 31st of August 2012. Lugano (Swizerland): Universitá della Svizzera italiana (University of Lugano) (USI), 30.08.-03.09.2012. Participation sponsored by a scholarship of the German Communication Association (DGPuK).
Waltinger, Michael (2012): Ein ethnographisches Forschungsdesign zur Untersuchung der Aneignung mobiler Kommunikation im Sinne von Alltagsbewältigung im urbanen Kenia. [Researching mobile communication appropriation with a focus on coping with everyday life in urban Kenya. An ethnographic research design.] Presentation and discussion at the workshop ‘Ethnographic Research Designs’ with Prof Dr Michaela Pfadenhauer, 13th of July 2012 at ‘8.Berliner Methodentreffen Qualitative Research 2012’ (BMT). Berlin (Germany): Freie Universität (FU), 13.07.-14.07.2012.
Interviews, media appearances
Waltinger, Michael (2011): Das Handy als Entwicklungshelfer. [Mobile telephony as development assistance.] Videointerview and article within the dossier “Media in the Third World”. Stuttgart (Germany): Redaktion Zukunft (Stuttgart Media University).