Research method-development
In my field research on The mobile phone in urban Kenyan everyday-life, I have developed a qualitative media research method that was used to collect empirical data from the field. A fully developed article on how the MediaMap exactly works as well as its theoretical and methodological framing is available via:
Waltinger, Michael (2017): Die MediaMap – Eine explorative Forschungsmethode zur Entwicklung einer kontextualisierten Mediennutzungsperspektive. [The Media Map – An explorative method for researching media usage in context.] In: Knaus, Thomas (ed.): Forschungswerkstatt Medienpädagogik. Projekt – Theorie – Methode. München: kopaed, pp. 253 – 286.
There is also an accompaniying micro-website on the MediaMap, containing a short description of the method as well as images of the development of the method, the research-setup and some examples of MediaMaps as produced by participants in my field research in Nairobi (Kenya):
Doctoral research
Waltinger, Michael (2011 – 2018): The mobile phone in urban Kenyan everyday-life. A media ethnography on mobile phone appropriation with particular regard to everyday media competencies.
Defended with great honour (magna cum laude) in June, 2018.
Field research
(2014): Field research in Nairobi (Kenya) from November 3rd – December 20th.
Second main field phase of a media ethnography in Eastlands Nairobi within the doctoral research project The mobile phone in urban Kenyan everyday-life.
(2013): Field research in Nairobi (Kenya) from June 4th – August 1st.
First main field phase of a media ethnography in Eastlands Nairobi within the doctoral research project The mobile phone in urban Kenyan everyday-life.
(2012): Field research in Nairobi (Kenya) from October 22nd – November 16th.
Exploration of the field, getting field access, and testing of research methods (focus groups, visual methods, ethnographic interviewing, observation) within the doctoral research project The mobile phone in urban Kenyan everyday-life.
Research collaborations
(2012): “Mobile at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP)”. Affiliation to the Visiting Fellows-program with iHub-research in Nairobi (Kenya).
(2009): Content Group Africa (CGA). Conceptualisation of a „Convergent Media Platform“ for the Pan- African daily drama series „Fruits of Love“, based on in-depth business and cultural research. Produced in: Jinja (Uganda). Broadcasted in: Eastern Africa. Project supported by the Swedish Institute (SI). Project coordinator: Jan Marnell. Plot co-development: Henning Mankell. Stockholm: Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship (SSES).
Contract research
(2011): “Lust auf Leben wecken”: Medienkonsum, Freizeitverhalten und Schulleistungen von Viertklässlern im Landkreis Reutlingen. [“Being passionate about active living”: media consumption, leisure behaviour, and school achivements of 4th graders in Reutlingen.] Research project for the Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony and the administrative district Reutlingen. Qualitative and quantitative field research regarding correlations of media usage and school achievements. Complete statistical inventory count. Development of recommendations for action. Research report available online [in German]. [With Pfeiffer, Christian; Mößle, Thomas; Stauer, Matthias; Rehbein, Florian; Bleckmann, Paula].
Thesis supervision
Bachelors thesis’ (as second referee):
(2012): Mikrogesellschaftliche Sozialisationsphänomene im Medienkontext. Welchen Einfluss haben Filme und Fernsehformate auf Einstellungen, Wertvorstellungen und Lebensideale? [Microsocietal phenomena of socialisation within the context of the media. What influence do movies and TV formats have on attitudes, moral concepts and ideals of life?]
(2012): Wie denken wir, dass das Internet unser Denken verändert? Eine qualitative Inhaltsanalyse der ‘Question of the Year 2010’ des ThinkTank [How do we think, is the internet changing the way we think? A qualitative content analysis of the think tank’s ‘question of the year 2010’.]