In todays newsletter, The Nordic Africa Institute (NAI) has pointed towards its revised and updated version of Studying Africa: A Guide to the Sources, which is now in its 3rd edition and available for download as a pdf at their publications database.
Studying Africa is, according to the corresponding article on NAI’s website:
“A guide to African studies, primarily within the area of social sciences. Provides practical guidance on handbooks, databases, statistics and other support for literature and fact searches.”
As a matter of fact, the publication is definitely a quite comprehensive collection of possible initial starting points when being on the lookout for quality information on the continent. It points towards:
- Bibliographies, article indexes and journal collections
- databases and library catalogues
- digital archives, web portals and link collections
- facts and country sources
- news services
- periodicals
- statistics, and
- official publications (information taken from the table of contents).